Discover the new free update of Guitar Pro 8 that brings several new features and many improvements and fixes.

We thank you for your numerous feedback and suggestions which allow us to improve the software!

What’s new in the Guitar Pro 8.1 update?

1 – SVG export

What is an SVG file?

It is now possible to export in SVG format your scores created in Guitar Pro 8.1.

It was already possible to export in many different formats: GPX, GP5, MIDI, ASCII, MusicXML, PDF, PNG and audio (MP3, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, Ogg).

An SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file is a type of image file that allows you to create vector images from lines, curves and geometric shapes. Unlike images such as JPG, PNG and GIF files, which are created from pixels, SVG images are created from vectors, which means they can be resized to any size without losing their quality or sharpness.

What is it for?

This new feature will please content creators, guitar teachers and method editors for example, as it opens up an infinite number of possibilities.

Indeed, SVG files can be opened and modified with many vector drawing software, such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Inkscape, Pixelmator and many others.

So export your partitions in SVG format to resize them without any loss of quality, unlike JPEG or PNG formats.

How to export your score in SVG from Guitar Pro 8?

Fichier > Exporter > SVG

2 – Access a selection of mySongBook tabs for free

Many quality scores are now available for free in mySongBook!

Here is an example of one free score with the picking version for solo guitar of the song: Bella Ciao arranged for solo guitar by Jérémy Cauliez. This song was made famous by the series called La Casa De Papel.

Other essential titles are also freely available such as Amazing Grace (DADGAD), Greensleeves, Happy Birthday (solo guitar), but also songs for classical guitar.

How to access the free mySongBook scores?

If you don’t have Guitar Pro 8, download the free demo here and try Guitar Pro 8 for free for 7 days.

Then in Guitar Pro 8, click on the mySongBook tab to access the list of available songs and preview the scores.

Select Free Tabs in the search filters.

3 – The numbered musical notation called “jiǎnpǔ”

A new type of notation called “jiǎnpǔ” is now available in Guitar Pro 8.

Jiǎnpǔ is a musical notation that represents musical notes using numbers rather than traditional symbols such as musical notes on a staff.

In jiǎnpǔ notation, each musical note is represented by a number between 1 and 7. The number 1 represents the lowest note, the number 2 is the second note, and so on up to the highest note represented by the number 7.

This notation is often used in popular music in China because it is easier to understand and play for beginners who are not familiar with traditional music notation. It can also be convenient for people who cannot read notes on a staff, such as people with visual impairments or children learning music.

In summary, jiǎnpǔ notation is a method of representing musical notes using simple numbers to make music easier to read and understand.

4 – A new language available: Swedish

Välkommen till våra svenska vänner! (Welcome to our Swedish friends!).

To change the interface language in Guitar Pro:

Preferences > Interface > INTERFACE > language

Other improvements and corrections

⏯️ Playback

  • Fix the timbre of some notes
  • Fix the audio fine-tuning offset on a slide
  • Fix the unwanted vertical scroll on repetition in horizontal display mode
  • Update the audio when adding a slur between two bars
  • When the playback stops by itself, the cursor correctly returns to its starting position
  • Chronos are now independent of the relative speed and fixed tempo
  • Fix the pitch of legato slides in MIDI
  • Switch the metronome to MIDI when all tracks are in MIDI
  • In MIDI with a soloed track, the other tracks are no longer heard on the first beat
  • Fix the sound of trills on tied notes
  • Fix the display of slashes at the end of systems

✍️ Editing

  • Fix a missing slur between two bars after undoing a string shift
  • Fix the cursor behavior after using shortcuts to delete notes
  • Fix the string shift from the banjo’s short drone
  • Natural harmonics are no longer modified when shifting strings
  • “Redo” is no longer enabled by default when opening a file

🎼 Engraving

  • Fix the bend/whammy indications disappearing on the playback
  • Fix the misproportioned thickness of ledger lines outside of the staff
  • Fix the glyph for jazzy accidentals
  • Fix the jazzy repetition bars indication
  • Fix a collision between piano fingerings
  • Fix the fret and string number after a rest on slash notation
  • Fix the crescendo indication in multivoice
  • Fix the muted notes symbol when importing from XML
  • Fix the double dots on quarters and shorter rhythm values
  • Fix the grace notes position when using the “Bar Arranger” tool
  • Fix the duplicate HoPo after changing the number of strings

🎛 Interface

  • Fix the value displayed on the progressive speed during a countdown between bars
  • Fix the “Go To Previous/Next Bar” cursor command behavior
  • Reinstate the “Move/Copy/Swap Voices” tool shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M)
  • The Virtual Drum Kit is no longer empty for the bongo and the reverse cymbal
  • Keep the selection when changing tracks
  • Fix the drag beyond the screen of the rotary knobs
  • Update the time signature correctly and updates the audio track slice of the Global View
  • Save the solo/mute states between sessions in the drum mix popup
  • “Fit to width” and “Fit to page” options have been added in the preferences
  • Update the note name after a transposition

🛠️ Tools

  • Fix initialising the scale diagrams dialog from a selection
  • Editing the audio track padding from the first sync point correctly updates the audio
  • An empty diagram is no longer displayed when using the “chord” command of the command palette
  • Improve the audio preview for drumkits in the Track Wizard
  • The güiro now has two articulations and is no longer on the same string as the surdo on the Africa Kit
  • Fretlight guitar frets are correctly displayed on repeated bars
  • Audio Fine Tuning is available for grace notes

🗃️ Opening / Importing / Exporting files

  • Fix the XML export for directions when the first bar is empty
  • Fix the XML import for fingerings on tablature staves
  • Fix the XML import for voices when there are several
  • Fix the XML import for free texts
  • Fix the MIDI import for slurs
  • Fix the import of audio files containing special characters on Windows
  • All backup files of the previous session are now correctly restored after a crash
  • Remove of excess rests on MIDI import

💥 Fixed crashes

  • On importing a .ptb with a Coda
  • On opening a .M4A audio file
  • On opening a .opus audio file
  • On updating the layout in multitrack
  • On closing a file with a forced stylesheet
  • On deleting chords
  • On previewing an empty file
  • On adding HoPo in tablature
  • On MIDI import
  • On disconnecting a Bluetooth headphone
  • On copy-pasting sustain pedals
  • On selecting empty bars with the keyboard
  • All backup files of the previous session are now correctly restored after a crash

How to update Guitar Pro?

1 – Open Guitar Pro 8
2 – Go to the:
Help > Check for updates menu (Windows)
Guitar Pro > Check for updates menu (macOS)
3 – Install the update

Download the free demo of Guitar Pro 8


Fredy Robles Ortega - sept. 28, 2024

Why does my GP generate consecutive files when saving modifications something like this:, Paranoid(1).gp, Paranoid (2).gp, etc.
This is very inconvenient, where can I remove it?

Nicolas Arobas - oct. 30, 2024

We invite you to contact our support using this form, we’ll be happy to help.

arifturgan arifturgan - août 25, 2024

it must be video player at same time

Frank Zhuang - mai 3, 2024

When was GuitarPro able to introduce the “Network Storage for Personal Scores” feature?

D L Fletcher - avril 8, 2024

“Guitar Pro is fantastic! I’d really appreciate the ability to create chord progression charts; it would be an incredible addition that I’m sure many teachers would find valuable.”

Johnlord - janv. 12, 2024

I would love the option to add background colours to the notation page and have different colours within one track in global view. That would improve, atleast my personal workflow while arranging parts.

An Liu - sept. 30, 2023

1.It would be nice if the drum parts could be combined freely, for example: kick (606) but snare is (fab) Hihat (909)… It is expected that drum parts can be selected in the current drum mix panel.
2. When an F note is bent to G, and then released to the next note F, the marks are always not aligned.
3. In Guitar Pro 5, importing midi files was okay, but after 6 it was a mess. and edit the music score by yourself. When bending strings or portamento, using midi timbre, the pitch is not accurate. Isn’t midi supposed to be interoperable? It wasn’t very good at 5, but it’s really better than now.
4. When editing standard music scores, if I use the direction keys to select the note C5 and press the number 4, Guitar Pro will automatically recognize the 10-grid as the 4th string. . This logic is very good. Hope it continues!
5. In edit mode, the position of the grace note cannot be moved, but I hope it can be moved.
6. The grace note of jian pu is too big and cannot be adjusted.
7. The horizontal lines of the notes in standard musical notation, that is, eighth notes and 16th notes, are too large and cannot be adjusted.
8.jian pu cannot display string bending.

Ju Lee - sept. 25, 2023

– Flexible metronome accent
– Mix different types notation on one track (bar 1-4 slash, 5-6 tab, 7-10 notation, for example)
– Add images to scores
– More options for chord and scales diagrams
– Templates to guitar exams/lessons
– Possibility of adding an auxiliary measure, within a rectangle, that does not sound in the playback, but appears in the score
– More Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Toto, Brad Paisley and Bryan Adams Tabs

thomas - sept. 18, 2023

Any plans to update the mobile app?

On iPad we are still stuck with tab playback at 50, 60, 70 percent rather than finer granularity for practise (which I’m used to from the desktop version)

Also at 50% and below playback is garbled and unusable.

Thomas Duflos - oct. 13, 2023

Hi Thomas, we are woring on improving the mobile app indeed. 😉

Richard English - août 10, 2023

I just upgraded to GP v. 8 but am unable to download my songs in MIDI format. When I select the Export option, “MIDI” is not highlighted and in unavailable. Am I doing something wrong?

Anshul - juil. 13, 2023

SVG is cool, now it would be awesome if we could export as videos: MP4, etc. I like to screen-record the tabs video, import it into a DAW (Reaper), and then sync it to the original song, and then play along with that.

But screen-recording takes time. An export could make it happen in just 10 seconds.

Lara - juil. 11, 2023

Hi Thomas, how can I maintain bar widths moving from Page to Screen view? In Page view everything looks perfect but in Screen view the bars are all different widths so the lyrics overlap in a jumbled mess. I’ve tried choosing fixed bar counts in the system layout but it has no effect on Screen view. Alternatively, is there a way to change the Page – Horizontal view so the entire arrangement is on one line? I’m trying to video capture the playback mode. Thanks for any tips!

Lara - juil. 9, 2023

Hi Thomas, how do I maintain bar widths moving from Page to Screen view? In Page view everything looks perfect but in Screen view the bars are all different widths so the lyrics overlap in a jumbled mess. I’ve tried choosing fixed bar counts in the system layout but it has no effect on Screen view. Alternatively, is there a way to change the Page – Horizontal view so the entire arrangement is on one line? I’m trying to video capture the playback mode. Thanks for any tips!

Matteo Merlin - juin 30, 2023

Do you already have a double monitor view? Maybe to maximize notes readability on one screen and having other controls on the other screen?

Barbol Music - juin 29, 2023

Great work with Fix the cursor… in other versions there was a cursor tracking button, now this is not available. It is needed to be able to block or continue with the cursor. Another thing that is needed (and would help productivity) is to have a SYNC with time effects such as delay, reverbs and modulation rate and to be able to select the rhythmic figures to repeat or the modulation cycles. It would also be nice in the drum kit, to be able to PAN the percussion instruments (bongos, congas, woodblock…) It would also be interesting to be able to manage the folders of families and effects instruments to be able to organize them. There is another visual error, there are times that the numbers of the effects panel parameters “get stuck” on the screen, when it is closed, covering other displays, to remove it you have to open and go to the specific pedal and parameter and modify it again. Another thing that doesn’t work is the Wham’ Mix. As the Autowah does not modulate the tone automatically either. It would also be nice to add a noise gate. And Categorize the LIMITER EXPANDER.

Barbol Music - juin 29, 2023

Great work with Fix the cursor… in other versions there was a cursor tracking button, now this is not available. It is needed to be able to block or continue with the cursor. Another thing that is needed (and would help productivity) is to have a SYNC with time effects such as delay, reverbs and modulation rate and to be able to select the rhythmic figures to repeat or the modulation cycles. It would also be nice in the drum kit, to be able to PAN the percussion instruments (bongos, congas, woodblock…) It would also be interesting to be able to manage the folders of families and effects instruments to be able to organize them. There is another visual error, there are times that the numbers of the effects panel parameters “get stuck” on the screen, when it is closed, covering other displays, to remove it you have to open and go to the specific pedal and parameter and modify it again. Another thing that doesn’t work is the Wham’ Mix. As the Autowah does not modulate the tone automatically either. It would also be nice to add a noise gate. And Categorize the LIMITER EXPANDER. Thank for the support

Ray Rainka - juin 28, 2023

I really like the new editing features in GP 8 but the is no ability to compress grace notes. The default distance between the grace note and the primary note is much too large ,so without increasing the size of the bar grace notes overlap other notes and become out of position. It makes for a very messy score. Since it is now possible to reposition any other note within a bar you should also be able to reposition a grace note. A very least the default distance between the grace note and the primary note should be at least 50% less. This should be an easy fix. Thanks!

David - juin 22, 2023

Include an option to disabled numbered tied notes like how Guitar Pro originally did it. This makes for cleaner scores.

Karsten - juin 4, 2023


there are two features i think that would improve GP a lot:

1. Exported Midi at the moment does not contain any of the strumming information made in the TAB. Like in some open source programs the midi data exported from GP should have kind of an arpeggiated effect so that a strum is simulated.
2. When i change a chord in the Chord Window the name in the TAB does change but not the chord structure itself (meaning the fingering stays the same) and i have to delete the chord in the TAB an insert a new one. Instead the fingering in the TAB should react directly to the changes made in the Chord Window.

I am pretty sure that a lot of other users would appreciate this.

Best regards

Audiomaniac - mai 31, 2023

1) tuning diagram visible/invisible per track (I can select whether showing the diagram or not, on a specific track)
2) select specific multirest bars, instead of global
3) insert text non committed to the notes (I can put a label on a riff, es: “Rhy. Fig. 1”, and then reuse that label to indicate the same part to play es. “Repeat Rhy. Fig. 1”, instead of rewrite the same notes or using repetition bars)
4) notehead size (I can choose the size of notehead and tab in a multivoice part es: harmonized melody)

Barb M - mai 16, 2023

Could you please add a pedal track to the church organ? Right now, I can’t figure out a way to put the notes that should be played on the pipe organ pedals because the organ track only consists of the manuals (keyboards) for the organ.


belop - avril 29, 2023

I’d like 2 features.

1 – metronome. No accent on the first beat. I want the metronome to be consistant. Lets say I have 7/8 and 8/8 I dont want the metronome to play a hard hit on the first click on the 8/8.

2 – make it easy to import a GP project to cubase

Thomas Duflos - mai 4, 2023

Hi, thanks a lot for your great suggestions. I have sent them to the team.

Paul Thew - avril 12, 2023

Hi Thomas, I purchased GP 8 Pro a while ago. I can’t find it on my computer anymore after not using it for several months. How do I get it downloaded again without having to pay for it again?
I still have my license key from the original and I still can log on your website, but I can’t get the program to open to start writing a tab, and I can’t find the tabs I wrote previously?

Nicolas Arobas - nov. 8, 2024

Hi Paul,
We invite you to contact our Support if you still need help with this request, we’ll be happy to help.

paul wicks - avril 12, 2023

All sounds great, but input of piano on grand staff is painful because I can only copy bars one staff at a time (can’t select treble and bass staves together??), I really don’t understand why this isn’t apparently possible! I’m new to GP, so I may have missed something but I’ve tried everything I can think of to copy both staves. It doubles the time needed to copy sections of the music. Is it possible?

Nicolas Arobas - nov. 15, 2024

Hello Paul,
Unfortunately I confirm this is not possible at the moment, I forward your feedback to our development team.

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